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Cherry tea is one of my favourites; it's great for keeping in shape as part of a healthy diet. So, next time you decide to snack on some cherries, make sure to keep the stems to use in this delicious drink!
Cherry tea is not only a delicious beverage but also an incredibly beneficial one, health-wise. The next time you feel like taking some paracetamol to ease pain, consider eating some cherries or drinking some cherry tea. Cherry stems are a great calming draught, and can even help to treat edema and menstrual bloating!
How to make cherry tea
After eating cherries, leave the stems outside to dry in the sun before storing them in an airtight container.
Once you're ready to make some tea, begin boiling water (around one cup) in a pan. Add a few stems and a pinch of cinnamon. The number of cherry stems you use will depend on how strong you want your tea to be, but a pinch should be enough. Leave the water to boil for a further 5-6 minutes before straining. Cherry tea has a lovely fruity taste and aroma and should be consumed while hot!
Find more of my recipes on my Recipes Page
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