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Cimet Zvezdice /Amaretto Cinnamon Stars

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Mirisne,cimet zvezdice

Za kekse

1 belanjce

150 g prah secera

250 g mljevenih badema

1 mala kasika cimeta

50 ml amareto likera


1 belanjce

120 prah secera

1 mala kasika limunovog soka


1. Umutiti belanjce sa prah secerom, dodati sve ostale sastojke, zamesiti tjesto. Zamotano u prozirnu foliju, ostaviti u frizider preko noci.

2. Tjesto valjati izmedju dve prozirne folije, iskoristiti tu u kojoj je tjesto odmaralo i gore staviti jos jednu. Zvezdanim kalupom (4-5 cm) vaditi keksice (kalup s vremena na vrememe umakati u brasno, da se lakse izvade) slagati na pripremljene plehove oblozene papirom za pecenje .

3. Pripremiti glazuru, premazati zvezde, peci u zagrijanoj rerni na 150 C, 5-8 minuta, paziti da glazura ostane bela. A ako i koja potamni jednako je ukusna samo ce se glazura lagano odvojiti i bice malo hrskavija. Za glazuru je potrebno mutiti belanjce, postepeno dodavati prah secer i na kraju limun, jos malo izmutiti i filovati zvezde.

Amaretto Cinnamon Star Cookies


Beautifully soft with a bit of crunch


250 round almonds

150 g icing sugar

2 tsp cinnamon

1 egg white

50 ml amaretto liqueur


1 egg white

120 g icing sugar

1 tsp lemon juice


1. Mix the egg whites in a bowl until a soft peak forms. Slowly add the sugar and mix until dissolved, then add lemon and mix together. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix with a spatula or by hand until a soft dough has formed. Cover in cling film and leave in the fridge overnight.

2. Roll the dough between two large sheets of cling film or baking paper. Cut the cookies out in the shape of a star (around 4-5 cm), then place them on a prepared baking tray.

3. In the meantime, make the frosting by mixing the egg white until a soft peak forms. Add sugar and mix together until dissolved, then add lemon juice. Spread the frosting over the cookies and bake on 150 C (fan) for 5-8 minutes, or until the frosting begins to colour slightly but it needs to stay mostly white. If you prefer them to be more crunchy, leave them to brown slightly. Leave to cool and serve.


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