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Keksi od fino mljevenog brašna kokosa /Coconut Cookies Star

Writer's picture:  Smiki's Corner Smiki's Corner

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Fini, prhki keksi od kokosovog brašna. Meki su čim se ohlade, sigurna sam da ćete i vi posle prvog odmah poželeti i drugi!


320 g brašna (plain flour)

180 g kokosovog brašna (coconut flour, sitno mljeveno brašno)

60 g šećera

250 g neslanog maslaca

2 jaja (velika)

Jos potrebno

~pekmez od marelica ili šljiva, za spajanje

~prah šecer, za posipanje


1. Obe vrste brašna i šećer staviti u dublji sud i promešati. Tome dodati hladan maslac isečen na kockice pa dlanovima utrljajti sa brašnom da se dobiju fine mrvice. Dodati jaja i zamesiti tjesto. Za minut dva dobićete fino, glatko tjesto koje umotano prozirnom folijom staviti u frizider da odmara 1/2 sata.

2. Pripremiti plehove za pečenje obložene papirom. Tjesto rastanjite na otprilike 3mm debljine. Zvezdanim kalupom prečnika 7 cm vaditi zvezde (otprilike 50-ak će ih biti) a manjim kalupom prečnika 2.5cm izdubiti sredinu pola od dobijenih keksića. Sve zajedno stavite na pleh. 

3. Peći u prethodno zagrijanoj rerni (na zrak) na 160C - 10 minuta ili kad počnu rumeniti sa strana, gotovi su! Treba da ostanu svetli.

4. Sačekati da se ohlade pa ih spajati sa pekmezom, svaki keksić ukrasiti onom malom zvezdicom, koju uz pomoć pekmeza zalepiti na pripremljeni keksić. 

Dobro je znati,

da se tjesto može zamesiti ranije, zamotati u foliju pa zamrznuti i tako spremno čekati čak 2 meseca blagdane. Kad želite, prebacite ga u frižider da se otkravi preko noći, iskoristiti ga u narednih tri dana. 

Pečeni mogu stajati u limenim kutijama za kekse verovatno do nedelju dana (naši nisu uspeli).

Ja sam tjesto zamesila uvečer, stavila u frižider, sutradan ga izvadila da odstoji na sobnoj temperaturi oko 1/2 sata (da maslac malo opusti, lakše se valja) i pekla.


...i po želji posuti šećerom u prahu. Odlični su uz jutanju kafu, popodnevnu čajanku a bome je bila i divna sladilica posle večere. 

Želite li savjet: Uduplajte mjeru ;)


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Coconut Cookies


These cookies are very easy to make and they’re a crowd favorite!

For the stars

320 g plain flour

180 g coconut flour

60 g caster sugar

250 g butter

2 large eggs

For the filling

Jam (apricot or plum)

Icing sugar (for dusting)


1. Mix the plain flour, coconut flour and caster sugar in a large mixing bowl. Add the cold butter, diced, and rub with the palms of your hands until the texture becomes crumbly. Add the eggs and mix together until you have a silky dough. Roll it in cling film and leave it in the fridge for 30 minutes.

2. Roll out the dough to roughly 3mm thick, then use a star cookie cutter (7cm) to cut out the shapes. Place the stars onto prepared baking trays. You’ll end up with around 50 cookies. Cut out smaller stars from the middle of half of these cookies, using 2.5cm star cookie cutters.

3. Bake everything together for 10 minutes at 160 C. The cookies should remain mostly pale. Once baked, cool them on a wire rack. Stick one whole star and one hollowed-out star together with a bit of jam. Decorate each by sticking the small cut out star on with the same jam. Dust with icing sugar before serving. 


Once you have made the dough and rolled in cling film, you can freeze it for up to two months. When you want to make the cookies, take the dough out of the freezer and leave in the fridge overnight. The dough must be used within three days. 


Find more of my recipes on my Recipes Page


I would love to hear about all of your baking, so please make sure to tag @smikiscorner on Instagram or leave a comment down below!

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