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1 vailin secer
200 g cokoladnih kapljica ili seckane cokolade
1. U prosijano brasno dlanovima utrljati hladan maslac. Dodati sve ostale sastojke i zamjesiti glatko tjesto. Praviti kuglice te slagati u tepsiju na papir za pecenje, peci na 170’ C oko 13 - 15 minuta (dok malo porumene). Po zelji posuti prah secrom. Od ove mere bude oko 56 krasuljica.
500 g plain flour
250 g butter
150 g icing sugar
10 g vanilla sugar
10 g baking powder
3 medium eggs
200 g chocolate drops
1. Put the sifted flour in a mixing bowl and add cold butter (diced). Rub with the palms of your hands until the texture becomes crumbly. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix together to form a soft dough.
2. Preheat the oven to 170°C (fan). Take a spoon full of dough and roll it into a ball. Place the cookies onto prepared baking trays and bake for 13-15 minutes, or until they begin to colour. Once cooled, you can dust the cookies with icing sugar before serving.
Makes around 56 cookies.