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Meatballs in Tomato Sauce /Ćufte u Paradajz Sosu

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This is one of those quick, comforting, homemade suppers that puts a smile on your face on these cold autumn evenings.

In this recipe, I'm using Fresh Tomato Sauce from my previous post. It gives the dish that extra kick of fresh tomatoes and it always brings back childhood memories.


500 g beef mince (5% fat)

1 onion, grated

2 cloves of garlic, chopped

100 g stale bread, soaked in 100 ml cold milk

1 medium egg

2 teaspoon Vegeta

salt & pepper

1 tablespoon of fresh herbs (parsley, thyme, basil), chopped

You will also need

300 ml fresh tomatoes sauce or passata

600 ml water

1 bay leaf


1. Put the meat and bread (which is slightly drained of excess milk) in a bowl, add the remaining ingredients and combine well using your hands. Working with lightly oiled hands shape each meatball with roughly 40-50 g of the mixture.

2. Fill a large saucepan with water (600ml) and add tomato sauce and bay leaf, then bring to a boil. Place the meatballs in the sauce and cook for 40 minutes over a medium-low heat or until cooked through.

3. Serve the meatballs with mashed potatoes.


You can freeze the meatballs in freezer bags or airtight containers for up to one month. Defrost overnight in the fridge, make fresh mash potato and serve.


Ćufte u Paradajz Sosu


Definitivno jedno od onih finih, domaćih jela koje vam mame osmeh na lice u ove hladne jesenje večeri.

U ovom receptu iskoristila sam Umak od Svježeg Parajza iz svog prethodnog posta. Jelu daje onaj divan šmek tek minulog ljeta kad su paradajzi osunčani i prepuni okusa a uz to ovo jelo vam uvek vraća sjećanja iz djetinjstva.


500 g mljevene junetine (5% masti)

1 luk

2 čena belog luka

100 g starog hleba, namočenog u 100 ml hladnog mleka

1 srednje jaje

2 kačičice Vegete

sol & biber

1 kašika svežeg začinskog bilja (peršuna, majčine dušice i bosiljka)

Još potrebno

600 ml vode

1 lovorov list


1. U posudu staviti meso, dodati naribani luk i beli luk, hleb (koji lagano ocediti od viška mleka), jaje, vegetu, posoliti i pobiberiti po ukusu. Dobro izmešati (najbolje rukom), dodati i iseckane sveže začine te ostaviti malo da odstoji pa praviti loptice otprilike 40-50 g svaka. Ako se lepe, ruke malo posuti brašnom.

2. U veću šerpu staviti umak od paradajza sa vodom i lovorom. Lagano zakuvati, kad počne kuvati spuštati lagano ćufte. Kuvati na laganoj vatri oko 40 minuta.

3. Poslužiti uz pire krompir. Od ove količine dobije se oko 20-ak ćuftica.


Ćufte se mogu i zamrznuti u zip kesicama ili hermetičkim posudama. Otkraviti preko noći u frižideru, napraviti svež pire krimpir i poslužiti.


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