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Noćne Gužvarice /Night Poppy Roulades

Writer's picture:  Smiki's Corner Smiki's Corner

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Divna gužvara koja se priprema naveče a peče ujutro. Svakako je možete peći i nakon nekoliko sati, mada ja mnogo volim ove noćne recepte, kad se sve pripremi navečer a ujutro budite ukućane sa ovim divnim toplim mirisom.


600g brašna

100g šećera

100g margarina ili masti

300 ml mleka

2 žumanjca

1 vrećica germa (7g)

malo soli

korica jednog limuna

Za fil je potrebno

300g mljevenog maka

100-150ml mleka

150g šećera u prahu

2 vrećice vanilin šećera

koica 1 limuna


1. Prosijati brašno. Germu staviti sa malo šećera u šolju toplog mleka da nadođe. Šećer, margarin, žumanjca i limunovu koricu pomešati sa brašnom dodati nadošlu germu i sve zamesiti sa toplim mlekom. Kad je dobro umesito podeliti na četiri loptice.

2. Testo razviti oklagijom što tanje jer će se lepše uvijati, imaćete više uvijenih slojeva tako ce izgledati mnogo lepše. Filovati ih pripremljenim makom.

3. Za fil je  samo potrebno tako reći "pošuriti" mak sa vrelim mlekom. Dodavajte malo po malo mleka jer ako se doda odma sve moguće je razrediti mak i jedino ga možete zgusniti dodavajući jos maka koji bi mogao biti višak na kraju. Otprilike 100-150 ml mleka je potrebno. Tome dodati šećer, vanilin i lumunovu koricu.

4. Gužvare šloziti u tepsiju u koju smo predhodno stavili papir za pecenje. Ostaviti preko noći na hladnom mestu, prekriti. Ujutro bi trebale narasti skoro u duplo.

5. Premazati ih jajetom. Peći u predhodno zagrejanoj rerni 10ak minuta na 220 C a zatim smanjiti na 180 C i peći jos oko pola sata. Prohlađene iseći, posuti prah šećerom zamirisanim vanilom i poslužiti.


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Night Poppy Roulades


One of my favorite recipes takes me back to when I was a child; I remember helping my mother make it. This is the great one because most of the preparation you do in the evening so what's left for the morning is just heat the oven, wait and enjoy!

For the dough

600 g flour

100 g caster sugar

100 g unsalted butter

300 ml of milk

2 egg yolks

7 g of dry yeast

Pinch of salt

Grated zest of 1 lemon

1 beaten egg for brushing

For the filling

300 g grounded poppy seeds or walnuts

A little bit of milk

150 g icing sugar

2 tsp vanilla sugar

Grated zest of 1 lemon

1 beaten egg for brushing


1. Put the yeast and 1 tsp of sugar in a cup with warm milk and leave it for a couple of minutes to rise.

2. To make the dough, sieve the flour and salt into a large bowl, add sugar, and mix. Rub in the butter and add lemon zest. In the other bowl, whisk the egg yolks then add milk. Pour the liquid into the dry ingredients and mix to a soft dough.

3. Turn out onto a floured work surface and knead until the dough is formed then divide into 4 equal balls. Sprinkle with flour and gently roll out until 0.5-1 cm thick.

Spread each with the poppy seed mixture and roll into a roulade.

4. For the poppy seed mixture, boil the milk and mix it with the poppy seeds. You need about 100-150 ml of milk. Add a little at a time, you may not need all of the milk, then add vanilla, icing sugar and lemon zest.

5. Place roulades in a baking tray, cover with cling film and leave overnight to rise slowly. In the morning, gently brush them with a beaten egg. Bake them in a pre-heated oven at 200 C for the first 10 minutes. Then turn it down to 150 C and bake for no more than 40 minutes or until they golden in cloulor. Cool on a wire rack.


These will keep for a week in an airtight container. It is a great idea to make all four rolls, you can always freeze half and have those weeks later. You can also bake it the same day just let it rise for a couple of hours until it is double in size.


Find my other recipes on my Recipes Page


I would love to hear about all of your baking, so please make sure to tag @smikiscorner on Instagram or leave a comment down below!


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