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Fresh Orange Juice /Sok od Narandže

Writer's picture:  Smiki's Corner Smiki's Corner

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Add a couple of ice cubes to a glass before serving for a refreshing, summer beverage.


5 l water

2 lemons

1.5 kg oranges

500 g sugar

You will also need

3 tsp salt

6 tsp bicarbonate of soda


1. First, prepare the citrus. Get a dish large enough to fit 1.5 kg of oranges inside, fill it with warm water and add the salt and bicarbonate of soda. Mix it together, then add the citrus and leave for 2 hours.

2. Rinse the fruit and cut it into small pieces. Place in a large pot and add water. Take it off the heat once it reaches boiling point. Leave it for a couple of minutes to cool down before blending. Then add the sugar.

3. Cover and leave overnight to allow the sugar to completely dissolve. Once it has cooled, pour it into clear glass bottles and keep it in the fridge for up to 1 week.


If you want to freeze the juice you should use plastic bottles instead of glass ones. If your oranges are not sweet enough you can add more sugar in step 2, or if the finished product is too sweet you can always add extra water.


Sok od Narandže


Odlično osvežavajući sok od narandže godiće u ove tople dane.

Potrebno za pripremu voća

3 male kašike soli

6 malih kašika sode bikarbone

posuda sa vodom

Za pripremu soka

6 litara vode

2 limuna

1.5 kg narandži

500 g šećera

30 g limuntusa, opcionalno


1. Prvo pripremiti narandže, u mlaku vodu staviti sol i sodu bikarbonu, te dodati oprane citruse i ostaviti da odstoji 2h.

2. Isprati, zatim iseckati na kockice, staviti u lonac i naliti vodom. Staviti tek da zakuva i odma skinuti (malo prohladiti) pa samljeti voće, dodati šećer a ako su jako slatke možete dodati i limuntus (ja nisam). Poklopiti i ostaviti do sutradan, povremeno promešati. Sipati u flaše, cuvati u frižideru do nedelju dana.


Ovako pripremljeni sok je odlično i zamrznuti, tada ga sipajte u plastične flaše i zamrznite. Navečer izvadite jednu flašu da se otkravi, spremna za poneti na posao ujutro. Ako su vaše narandže nedovoljno slatke povećajte šećer ili izostavite limuntus. Sok nije potrebno razređivati a ako vam se čini da je presladak slobodno ga pre služenja razredite sa malo vode ili dodajte nekoliko kockica leda.



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